Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tips for Removing Painters Tape

Do you struggle removing painter’s tape? 

Need some tips?

Just when you think you’re done, it’s still not over! The paint cans may all be closed, but there’s still a critical step left in your paint project: removing the painter’s tape. 

Follow these tips to remove your painter’s tape and reveal beautiful, clean lines. 

professional painters ann arbor

1. Remove immediately: tape pulls up easily without chipping if you remove it directly after painting. If you’re painting an entire room, for example, remove the tape from the area where you started painting first. 

2. Score the edge: there are some cases when you can’t or don’t want to remove the tape right after you finish painting. In that scenario, scoring is your best bet. Score the edge where the tape meets the freshly painted surface with a putty knife or razor blade then pull up the tape. 

3. Pull angle: remove the tape by pulling back at a 45-degree angle. If the tape is stuck in a trickier area, a 90-degree angle may work better.  

Let Mussio Painting Professional Painters of Ann Arbor Handle the Tape

These tips will help you remove painter’s tape more successfully. But our best painter’s tape tip is to leave the work to Mussio Painting, your professional painters in Ann Arbor. Our attention to detail is just what you need to freshen up your space. Reach out today!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tips for Applying Painters Tape

 Unsure what the best practices are for painters’ tape?

Whether you’re a painting novice or have a history of bad luck with a paintbrush, we can guide you to success. The most important step in painting is taking your time in the preparation stage. Start with these simple tips when you apply your painter’s tape for the best results. 

1. Choose the right tape: for a basic wall refresh, multipurpose tape is great. But there is also tape for delicate surfaces, rough surfaces (like brick), exterior surfaces, and for decorative shapes. 

2. Clean surfaces: ensure the tape will stick to lock out bleeds and make sharp lines by cleaning

professional painters ann arbor

surfaces before painting. In the bathroom and kitchen, this can mean cleaning with a degreaser. In bedrooms, mild soap and water will do the job. 

3. Press to seal: after applying each strip of tape, run your finger along the edge to guarantee the best seal and crisp lines. 

4. Use small pieces: painter’s tape is easier to work with in small pieces. Along detailed edges and curves, tiny pieces of tape are the way to go. 

Call the Professional Painters of Ann Arbor at Mussio Painting 

If the prep work still sounds intimidating, don’t worry. 

Our best advice for a professional paint job is to give us a call at Mussio Painting, your professional painters in Ann Arbor. Our attention to detail is just what you need to freshen up your space. 

Contact us today at (734)995-2646!