Do you have a problem with paint peeling inside your home?
Do you think you may have used low grade, low quality paint?
Are you worried about spending a lot of money on a paint job that won’t last?
Ann Arbor Painting Contractors are Here to Help!
The friendly team at Mussio Painting is here to help you! Imagine if you knew how to eliminate the risk of peeling paint before it happened. How much time, money and aggravation could you save by knowing what to watch out for at the beginning?
Do you have a home ventilation system? Do you turn on an exhaust fan when you shower? Continue reading for other important factors that could save you additional time and frustration.
Possible causes of peeling paint indoors include:
- Cooking
- Showering
- Humidifiers
- Basements
- Foundations
Sherwin Williams suggests possible solutions for peeling paint:
- “Proper ventilation can fix most interior moisture problems. High-moisture areas like bathrooms with showers should have exhaust fans installed.
- Proper ventilation in the walls and/or roof of the home may be necessary. Heavily insulated and sealed homes need a way for moisture to escape, like roof vents and wall vents.
- Allowing moisture to escape via open windows.
- If high levels of moisture exist in your basement, the cause must be determined and fixed.
- Once proper ventilation has been installed, peeling paint should be removed and the underlying surface cleaned and primed.
- Test the coating in a 6" to 12" radius around any peeled areas to be sure its adhesion is adequate. Follow label and data page directions for proper surface preparation.”
Call Your Ann Arbor Painting Contractors Today!
Call your Ann Arbor painting contractors today at (734) 995-2646 to arrange an appointment with Steve Mussio. He’ll personally meet you on your property to discuss your project needs, expectations, and concerns, and give any suggestions at your request. He’ll also explain the project preparation, painting/staining options, and if necessary, any carpentry (wood replacement), along with answering any of your other questions before you receive a detailed bid. You’ll be amazed how our work will transform your home!
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